*Auto Repair Shop for Sale
*Real Estate included in Sale
*Business has on average 10 employees
*FF&E estimated at $176,315 included in asking price
*Available SF: 6,560 SF
*Zoning CMU2-Corridor Mixed Use 2
*Cash Flow: $329,152 (2022 ODE)
*Gross Revenue: $1,703,760 (2022 Gross Sales)
*Value of Real Estate: $1,500,000
*Business Established: 1984
Local auto repair shop for sale. This shop accommodates all vehicles from passenger cars and trucks to large commercial vehicles, motorhomes, and specialty equipment. Centrally located and easily accessible from the West End and Downtown. This is a Veteran-founded business that has been helping out the Billings community since 1984. The shop has a long-standing relationship with the local community and a reputation for integrity, hard work and quality products. Business and Real Estate are included in sale.
The business has a historically strong track record of year-over-year increased sales. With an average growth of 5% over the past 7 years, the business continues to grow and serve it’s 20,000+ residential and commercial clients. There is room to add more bays on the property, to keep up with the growth, or a new owner could look at a 2nd location on the Westend.
Address Billings, MT
Country United States
Province/State Montana
City/Town Billings
Postal code/ZIP 59102
- Property ID 16075
- Property Type Business, Industrial
- Property status Closed
- Year Built 1985
- Size 6,560 sf
- Lot Size 29,701 SF
- Zoned CMU2-Corridor Mixed Use 2