
State Liquor Store


Property ID


*PRICE REDUCED!!!  $6,750,000
*Inventory is included in asking price
*Real Estate is Leased
*Located in a high traffic retail center with HUGE pylon sign at one of the busiest intersections in Montana
*State Liquor Stores are a quasi-monopoly with a limited number of franchises in Montana
*New owner has ability to stay open 65 more days per year (Sundays & Holidays)
*Owner is willing to stay on to train a new buyer for a set amount of time
*This business is an established franchise
*Cash Flow: $1,020,882
*Gross Revenue: $7,841,494


Largest retail State Liquor Store in Montana for Sale. This is your opportunity to purchase an insanely profitable business, quasi-monopoly and license to print money. Not sure how many people know this, but in Montana 100% of bars, restaurants, casinos and even other liquor stores are required to purchase their liquor from a State Liquor Store and no additional State Liquor Store Franchises are available.


This liquor store boasts 3,000 varieties of liquor and 1,200 varieties of wine. It is located at one of the busiest intersections in Montana and also enjoys the best demographics within a 1 mile radius in Montana based on number of rooftops and high median incomes.


While sales and profitability have already been growing year over year, laws were just passed to allow a new owner to stay open and sell on all Sundays and Holidays giving a new owner 65 more days a year of sales. This could boost top line and bottom line numbers significantly. State Liquor Stores also enjoy net 60 terms which allows this store to turn its product on average 6 times before the original invoice is due. If you are looking to own your own money tree, this is the business for you!


Address: Montana
  • Country: United States
  • Province / State: Montana
Open on Google Maps
  • Property ID 18076
  • Price
  • Property Type Business, Retail, Specialty
  • Property status Closed

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