- Sprinkler Repair Business for Sale
- $67,000
- No facility needed or included
- Buyer will introduce to key clients for smooth transition
- Potential for increased revenue
- Business established for 32 years with excellent client base
Solomon Landscaping is a well established sprinkler service business that has been in business for 32 years. Our specialty is sprinkler service, including starts-up, upgrades, repairs, diagnosing problems, and winterization of sprinkler systems. We also install and service high end 12-volt landscape lighting systems. At this point in time, we work with 300+ repeat customers. For a new owner, there is the potential to add additional revenue streams including landscaping, landscape maintenance, sprinkler installation, lawn service (mowing, fertilizing, chemical application, etc.), and snow removal.
Our ideal buyer would be someone who is self-motivated, personable, and willing to put in the time to go the extra mile, even when your super busy. I would be important for a buyer to have experience starting up sprinkler systems, repairing sprinkler problems and winterizing sprinkler systems. Someone that has some experience in 12-volt outdoor lighting systems would be a big bonus.
In order to be successful in the sprinkler business, you not only have to be willing to work hard, but also willing to learn new things. If you know how to build relationships with your customers, be willing to learn new things to solve sprinkler problems and enjoy working with your hands, you can do quite well in this business.
The best part of this business is the customers, the self-satisfaction of solving and repairing sprinkler systems that no one else can, fairly low overhead and most of the time not having to do any bids!
If you have any experience installing and maintaining sprinkler systems, we look forward to talking to you.
- Country: United States
- Province / State: Montana
- City / Town: Billings
- Property ID 11386
- Price $67,000.00
- Property Type Retail
- Property status For Sale