9026 Kautzman Rd, Billings, MT
*1.3 Acre Fenced Yard for Lease
*Price Reduced to $1,500/mo
*Fenced with controlled gate access
*Security lighting
*Leveled and Graveled
This 1.3 acre fenced yard space for lease is the perfect spot for anyone looking for some extra storage or yard space with secure gate access. With security lighting and landlord cameras on the property, you can know that your product or vehicles are secure. Yard space is level and graveled which makes for year around storage possible.
9026 Kautzman Rd, Billings
- Country: United States
- Province / State: Montana
- City / Town: Billings
- Postal code / ZIP: 59101
- Property ID 15308
- Price
- Property Type Industrial, Land
- Property status Closed
- Land area 1.3 ac
- Zoned Outside City Limits